Monday, January 6, 2020

Beloved Essay - 3346 Words

Beloved Essay In today’s modernized world, it is crucial to be able to comprehend and recognize conflicts dealing with racial tensions due to the increased growth of diversity in nations all over the world. Countries like North America are inhabited by people of different backgrounds, cultures, and colors. Since there is intermingling among everyone, the differences between the diverse ethnic backgrounds could stir up trouble which can lead to serious skirmishes like Watts Rebellion in 1965. To prevent and weaken the strength of racial tension, the citizens of the United States must be educated about racial problems before being released into the real world. The best approach towards racial equity begins in the classroom and through†¦show more content†¦Painted across the pedestal he knelt on were the words ‘At Yo Service’† (300) Even though the Bodwins are helping Denver find a job, having a statue of a black boy erected in their home goes to show the reader how hypocritical the Bodwins were in that they did not see African Americans as true equals to whites. Especially with the phrase â€Å"at yo service,† it implies that the Black boy statue represents Blacks are those who are always serving; if the Bodwins really wanted to help abolish slavery and move closer to racial equity, they would not have had that degrading statue in the first place. The second standard of Critical Race Theory is Interest Convergence. Interest Convergence is defined as an illusory â€Å"improvement† towards racial equity which means that those who helped the African Americans did not do so out of pure kindness, but because of other motives that were fueled by selfish intentions. In the beginning of Beloved, an instance of interest convergence appears when Mr. Garner brags about his slaves on Sweet Home plantation. â €Å"‘Y’all got boys,’ he told them. ‘Young boys, old boys, picky boys, stroppin’ boys. Now at Sweet Home, my niggers is men every one of em. Bought em thataway, raised em thatway. Men every one’† (12). By bragging about his slaves, Mr. Garner fools his slaves into thinking that he is bragging because he is genuinely proud of his slaves; however, Mr. Garner’s true intention for bragging about his laid-back treatment forShow MoreRelated Beloved Essay593 Words   |  3 Pages Beloved, like many of the other books we have read, has to deal with the theme of isolation. 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